Kids zone

KID Zone fun

We will have a kids zone with activities for the kids on Saturday, May 11th. Please visit the kids zone on the square for some awesome fun. Please NOTE parents must accompany children in the kids zone.

Meet Cowboy Bob

Cowboy Bob will be at WAR Rally, showing off his fancy rope tricks. Come by and see him.

Big wheel Race!

Kids need to have FUN too, so we are supplying the big wheels for kids to race each other. The event is free and trophies will be awarded. Race heats will be divided by age group. Please sign up in advanced below.

Don't miss this opportunity for your kids to enjoy some fun at the WAR rally, we will also be hosting a kids zone for them, see this page for more info.

Age Groups 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-12

we will provide the big wheels to race on

Event on SATURDAY 11TH starting at 11:30am

This event is FREE

registration Big wheel Race Form

On day of Event go to WAR Rally Booth

to Sign Up

Sign up by 11:30 Am

Waiver, Consent & Rules

  • When signing this application, I hereby waive and release all other participants and the host(s) of the WAR Rally, of all claims of injury and /or damages incurred in connection with this event. Guardian/parent must be present at race. I have read the rules, guidelines and information sheet and agree to abide by them.

    In consideration of my participation in the above named event, I HEREBY WAIVE AND RELEASE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS AND CLAIMS OF ANY NATURE, ROUNDED IN WHOLE OR IN PART UPON ANY TYPE OF NEGLIGENCE, that (I) may have against the above party, officers, employees, volunteers and any cooperating entities, their representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns (the “Released Parties”) arising out of or resulting from any and all injuries or damages of any nature, including death, which (I) may suffer while taking part in the event or any activities connected with the event. . I UNDERSTAND, THAT BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT I AGREE NOT TO SUE any or all of the Released Parties in connection with the event.

    The activities of this event may be videotaped. As the undersigned, I agree that my likeness may be used in promotional materials and will hold harmless the “Released Parties” and agree that no monetary or any other consideration will be given for their use.

    By signing this document, I certify that I have read this document, fully understand it and that I am not relying on any statement or representations of any of the Released Parties. This document shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and me.

  • •Parent/Guardians must be present at Rally, no unaccompanied children

    •Children racers agree to not purposefully run into or ram other racers or big wheels

    •Children racers agree to not yell out foul language to other racers or audience

    •Children can only compete in 1 age group

    •Male and female children will compete against one another